Monday, January 5, 2009

A few of my favorite things...

I'm bored as hell, sitting at my aunts in Chicago. I'm still sick but my Mommy got me enough meds to kill a horse so i'm okay. I also ate some REAL! Chicago Deep Dish Pizza tonight, that cures all. Nothing like that in Jersey. I hate to say it but NY pizza isn't even that fresh.
I also went on a mini shopping spree at Teavana (sick tea spot) and Nordstroms Rack. I got 2 pairs of flats and (another) white hoodie cause I always spill shit on them.

I got a cute pair of Marc Jacob earrings! And more Nintendo DS games (oiy! i'm such a little boy)

I'm going to go drug myself up on psedomucantibio-something or other and sleep. Going back to my Grandmama's tomorrow. She's going to show me off to all her old lady friends =)

g-g-g'night from chitown <3