Tuesday, March 10, 2009


YO! My bagel for not updating in almost 2 weeks. I've been slacking on my social networking. It's not like anything super significant has happened except for the usual dumb shit like breaking a nail or breaking a heart. Whatever. I need to get back into the swing of things.

Anyways, what brought me out of my hiatus was Mr. My Shit Don't Stank bka: Kanye West and his new bald headed bitch, Amber Rose. Now, i'll admit that when I first saw her the bald head threw me off. I'm old fashioned in the respect that I LOVE long hair (hence why mine is almost hittin' the small of my back!). It's rare when bitches can pull off short hair but then I gave her another look and I realized two things... 1) this bitch has a KILLER shoe game. 2) she has a KILLER body. Some of her recent outfits have been questionable(remember that jean short/wifebeat mess?) but her shoes are ALWAYS on point. And I give Kanye respect for not having some stereotypical broad on his arm. He may be a conceited douchenozzle 75% of the time but you can't deny that homeboy has a unique sense of EVERYTHING. I can respect original. Kanye, you have earned a brownie point.


ms.rea said...

am i the only one who kinda misses Alexis? :-\ idk something about this Amber lady is off... or maybe it should be me sans the bald blond do lol