Tuesday, December 16, 2008

cha-ching $$$

Someone srsly needs to remove eBay from my life. It's unbelievable how much shit I think I need once I go on there. I tried to justify to myself yesterday why I was in an angry bidding war over a Pink Mauve MAC Pigment. What the shit is wrong with me? You know I am gonna blame my past 6 months shopping addicition solely on my roommate, Amanda. I swear that girl could convince you to buy dog shit if it was on sale. Thank you Amanda for convincing, helping, conspiring, etc me into buying thousands of dollars worth of junk haha<3.
Okay, Well uhmmm I mean you make money and then you die- can't take it with you and I don't plan on buying a house until I find a "real" man so wtf am I in a rush to save for? And my new Marc Jacobs bag is less annoying than any man anyways. PLUS, I'm putting money back into this ailing economy. (you like how i'm trying to justify my empty bank account right? haha)

(Also, include Loehmanns, Karmaloop, Sephora, Target, and Century 21 to the opt out list as well)