Wednesday, December 17, 2008

In the end, it doesn't really matter...

As 2009 vastly approaches, I look back on 2008(and 2007) and I realize that I've learned 4 important lessons...

1) Don't let anyone take advantage of you. I think back and realize how stupid I was to give and give to such selfish people. I've spent THOUSANDS of dollars (and wasted so much time) on people that don't even have a loyal bone in their body. And honestly, it's not about the money. It's about the connections we make through life. It's about the love we convey and the way we treat people. I'm no damn angel but I know how to treat the people I love and care about.

2) Learn when to 'let go.' Seriously, I think this is the biggest lesson of all for me. I've really learned(and am still learning) to let go of petty, senseless problems and bullshit. I've held too many grudges against people for too, too long. We all make mistakes, we all deserve a second chance(but that's all you get).

3) Guys don't determine your self worth. This lesson doesn't 100% pertain to me (because we all know that no man ever paid my fucking way) but really pertains to girls I've encountered and unfortunately called friends who are so insecure with themselves that they absolutely need/needed to have man or someone of the opposite sex's approval. Don't be weak, it's not attractive. Honestly, I wish all you broads nothing but luck and happiness, I hope you get whatever you want in life and with that being said I hope I never see or speak to any of you again (and I mean that in the nicest, most endearing way possible).

4) Marijuana makes everything better. If you haven't or don't, you should. I am a hardworking, tax-paying US citizen. I deserve to come home after working a 12 hour day and smoke a fucking bowl if I want to. I'm not hurting anyone. Once it hits your lungs, it feels so goooood ;o)

I'll end this blog with my infamous quote- "If you're not fucking me and you're not paying my bills than don't tell me what to fucking do!"