Friday, February 13, 2009

LOVE yo'self!

Yup, Valentines Day is tomorrow. I wasn't even planning on addressing the Hallmark Holiday this year but I felt that I should at least contribute a little something. I am all for love, eternal happiness, flowers(not Carnations), chocolates (preferrably Godiva Truffles) and all that gooshy goodness. I do however think it's a bit silly for guys to feel obligated to drop a serious penny on their girl because the calender tells him to. He should be doing sweet shit all year long! I would prefer some new Dunks, Stroopwaffles or an eighth of Kush to show his love for me but hey, we're all different right?

Either way just enjoy the day with your special dude, chic, dog, vibrator or whatever. If you're alone, don't let this holiday stress you out or make your single status feel more like a death sentence. Most people are in miserable relationships and fantasize about their co-workers slamming them out in the supply closet anyways ;)

I'll be obliterated and losing $$$ in AC!


Saad. said...

i know mad late but honestly couldn't of have said better myself!